original language
$ 23000000
$ 105232691
Bank Teller
Dick Gordon
Dr. Gunter Janek
Buddy Wallace
Mr. Bernard Abbott
Centurion S&L Night Guard
College-Aged Cosmo
College-Aged Bishop
Bank Secretary
Homeless Man
Piano Prodigy
Dr. Elena Rhyzkov
Coolidge Institute Guard
Mrs. Crease
Melissa Crease
Melissa Crease
Kiev String Quartet
Kiev String Quartet
Kiev String Quartet
Kiev String Quartet
Gregor’s Date
Gregor’s Chauffeur
FBI Agent
2nd FBI Agent
TV Anchorman
NSA Phone Operator
Dr. Werner Brandes
Chinese Restaurant Singer
Chinese Restaurant Waiter
Playtronics Desk Guard - Day
Playtronics Desk Guard - Day
Playtronic Lobby Guard - Day
Playtronics Lobby Guard - Night
Playtronics Desk Guard - Night
Playtronics Stairwell Guard
Playtronics Perimeter Guard
Playtronics Perimeter Guard
Male NSA Agent
Male NSA Agent
Female NSA Agent
NSA Agent (uncredited)
College Geek (uncredited)
Driver Outside Post Office (uncredited)
Man Walking Across the Lobby (uncredited)
Russian Waiter (uncredited)
Security Guard (uncredited)
Written by John Chard on 2019-05-26
A great night in with a top cast having fun. "I could have joined the NSA but they found out my parents were married!" The DVD box proudly proclaims that the film is one of the most satisfying suspense films ever! Naturally this is hyperbole from the marketing department, but it's stuff like that that can make or break the chance of a viewers expectation level being achieved. I opened this write up with a funny line spoken by Robert Redford because having just finished the film I feel all jolly, and that is a priceless thing after watching one of the most suspenseful films ever! (groan). This film is a multi genre offering, it has pretty much most bases covered and features a cast of actors from different eras clearly enjoying the work that they are doing. There is no earth shattering twists or performances to match, it's a tight and intelligent script that's written to provide two hours of pure entertainment. It does have suspense, and it does make you think about how technology can be an incredible tool/weapon, but chiefly the film is one that you all can watch during a night in and be safe in the knowledge that your rental or TV time hasn't been wasted. 7.5/10 Footnote: The ending is fabulous, I really should go for a higher rating purely for the incredulous looks that James Earl Jones gives as the final reel draws to a close.