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Movie Reviews

A review by mooney240

Written by mooney240 on 2022-09-14

**I would be bold enough to say if you don’t like this film, it’s because you hate joy… that’s dramatic, but still, it’s a good movie.** How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is the gold standard of RomComs. Charming leads, quirky characters, a ridiculous but fun premise, drama, character growth and development, and romance all crammed into a wonderful film that is worth watching again and again. McConaughey and Hudson’s chemistry elevates this 2003 RomCom from typical to delightful and was so great they reunited for a second film (Fools Gold. Not great, but still.) While its 2003 release slightly dates it, and the movie’s concept is a little more complicated than the average RomCom, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is exceptionally satisfying due to its stellar cast, hilarious antics, and awkwardly entertaining dating commentary.

A review by SoSmooth1982

Written by SoSmooth1982 on 2023-07-04

Very clever thought out movie. So funny I can't help but like this movie. One is trying to make her fall in love in days, and the other one is trying to make him break up with her in 10 days.