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Self/“Stone Cold” Steve Austin
Jim Ross
Vince McMahon
The Rock
Mick Foley
Paul Heyman
Bruce Prichard
Triple H
Mark Henry
The Undertaker
Lilian Garcia
Shawn Michaels
Missy Hyatt
Shane McMahon
Adam Cole
Kevin Owens
Jake "The Snake" Roberts (archive footage)
Michael "P.S." Hayes (archive footage)
“Gentleman” Chris Adams (archive footage)
Kevin Nash (archive footage)
Scott Hall (archive footage)
Marc Mero (archive footage)
Earl Hebner (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
Brock Lesnar (archive footage)
“The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase (archive footage)
Mabel (archive footage)
Bret “The Hitman” Hart (archive footage)
Owen Hart (archive footage)
Jerry “The King” Lawler (archive footage)
Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart (archive footage)
Gene Okerland (archive footage)
Brian Pillman (archive footage)
Written by uofmtailgtr on 2022-01-02
Great profile of Steve Austin's career, I did not know that he had any daughters. Steve never shared any of this information during his career. It was good to hear about the personal side of the business and how these guys are never around for their family. You almost have to be single to live this lifestyle. Steve was literally in the hospital to hold his daughter as she was born, then was on a flight as he was booked to wrestle that evening.