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$ 900
$ 12097
David Leigh, The Filmmaker
Jim Suerd, The Accused
Steven Avkast, 'Fact or Fiction' Host
Locus Wheeler, 'Fact or Fiction' Host
Rein Clackin, Paranormal Sound Man
Michelle Monarch, Data Retrieval Expert
Tom Branski, Technical Director of 'Fact or Fiction'
Clair Deforest, Editor for the Prosecution
Anthony Rosi, Lead Investigator of Murders
Dr. Dale Orstall, Jim's Child Psychologist
Dr. Vann Waller - Forensic Pathologist
Sam Woods - Television Soap Director
Jay McDowell, Web Designer
Joyce Dryer, Jim's Landlady
Mary Brenner, TV Reporter
Barry Williams - Editor of The Baroake County Record
911 operator (voice)
Man Struck by Lightning Three Times
Miss Lady Bright Eyes
Ray - 'Fact or Fiction' Cameraman
Ricky - "Fact or Fiction" Cameraman
Man with Guitar