original language
$ 13000000
$ 18704595
Colonel Katherine Powell
Steve Watts
Lieutenant General Frank Benson
Jama Farah
Brian Woodale
Carrie Gershon
Musa Mo'Allim
Alia Mo'Allim
Angela Northman
George Matherson
Sergeant Mushtaq Saddiq
Major Harold Webb
Ken Stanitzke
Ms. Jillian Goldman
James Willett
Fatima Mo'Allim
Simon Powell
Sergeant Mike Gleeson
Female Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Female Corporal
Male Corporal
Driver One
Muhammad Abdisalaam
Agent Atieno
Matt Levery
Command Support Staff
Lieutenant Colonel Ed Walsh
First Crewman
Second Crewman - K. Moore
Parklands Gate Guard
Parklands Gate Guard
Shahid Ahmed
Major Moses Owiti
Militia Leader
Poor Woman
Jack Cleary
Benson's Aide-De-Camp
Rasheed Hamud
Driver Two
Lucy Galvez
Image Analyst
Amadu Gate Guard
Amadu Gate Guard
Woman Buying Bread
Kenyan Captain
Susan Danford / Ayesha Al-Hady
Street Vendor (Buckets)
Militia Man
Amadu Mukhtar
Abdullah Al-Hady
Osman Abade
Kate Barnes
Tom Bellamy
Nigel Adler
Esther Alvarez
Abdi Militia Soldier
Woman Buying Bread
Woman Buying Bread
Woman Buying Bread
Written by Rangan on 2016-07-14
> The modern warfare, and its advantages as well as drawbacks. A new kind of war. When everyone is worried about robots might take over our jobs, it meant military as well. There was not robots in this, but a war fought from a safe distance and soldiers don't have to be physically trained so well, even the geeks with the gaming knowledge can take over. So a film about the modern warfare where the casualty rate is very minimum and can be accomplished before any major assault take place. From the South African director of 'Ender's Game' fame. This is slightly a similar theme, but a real world affair and a real time presentation. Initially I thought it was a remake of the Hong Kong film of the same name. We had seen drone attacks in the films, but they won't last for a few minutes. This film was entirely about how drone missions work that told with detail. "Never tell a soldier that he does not know the cost of war." This was a very good film and they must make a sequel to it. This film will get a special status going towards the future. There were no physically exceptional performances, the stars' presence and their verbal expressions were stronger. So there many thrilling scenes with great lines, especially Alan Rickman's final dialogue. This film was his final film and he was excellent like the usual. Even the Abdi's role was small, but powerful and so Helen Mirren's, but Aaron Paul and the rest were decent. The story was good, but I did not like the too much sentimentalised. Because all's fair in love and war. You won't make a film to please the terrorists and their sympathisers. Other than that it is a masterpiece. Surely worth a watch. 8/10
Written by DanDare on 2018-03-07
Eye in the Sky wants to explore the question of drone warfare. An operation to capture a terrorist cell in Kenya. Helen Mirren plays Colonel who is rather gung ho and wants to take out the bad guys before they do more harm. Aaron Paul is a drone pilot who is dithering because of the risk to civilian casualties. The film pursues the human touch of a young girl selling bread in the market place, being at the wrong place as that is where the drone aims to strike. Eye in the Sky is an oddly structured film, it is tense as the audience wonders of the little girl will be safe. It also wants to have an open and even debate on the morals and perils of drone warfare but it all feels rather undercooked and underwhelming. This was Alan Rickman's final film, he rightly has the last line: 'Never tell a soldier they don't know the cost of war.'
Written by brightonguy on 2020-06-06
I was looking for a film to watch. Being a big Helen Mirren fan, I decided to give this one a go. What a great choice it was! The fact that the entire film is in real time, meaning we watch the event as they unfold in real time, makes it a true edge-of-the-seat stuff. Acting was nothing to brag about but the story was great. As you watch it, you keep finding yourself arguing with yourself, trying to decide what you would actually do if you were one of the characters in the film. If you’re looking for something to watch and have access to this film, don’t even think for a second and press that play button. Would I watch it again? Yes! Would I make my friends watch it? Absolutely!