original language
$ 25000000
$ 166842739
Ryan Bingham
Alex Goran
Natalie Keener
Maynard Finch
Kara Bingham
Craig Gregory
Julie Bingham
Jim Miller
Karen Barnes
Fired IT worker
Software convention geek
Young MC
Conference DJ
Flight Attendant
Club Hostess
Check-in Lady
Business Woman
Airport Clerk
Alex's Husband
Hilton Clerk
San Francisco Manager
Goalquest Host
Software Dude
Rental Car Assistant
Conference Worker
Wedding Cousin
Wedding Pastor
Band Leader
Wedding Coordinator
Makeout Dave
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Terminated Employee
Written by ohlalipop on 2017-02-09
I don’t really get why this movie got an Oscar nomination. I mean it’s watchable but I don’t think it’s Oscar-worthy. I think this movie is too simple to be nominated. There were some funny parts but it’s more of a “LOL” than “LMAO”. Script wise, it’s nice. It’s kind of real in a way since a lot of people are losing their jobs because of recession. I think that’s one of the reasons why people liked this movie because it is what’s happening right now in the USA.
Written by AlCar on 2020-05-16
This is one of those movies that takes you in a certain direction but in the end changes course and brings you somewhere else. It was entertaining but the ending was not the one I was hoping for and I felt diminished the rest of the movie.