original language
$ 40000000
$ 8500000
Chris Thorne
Judge Alvin 'J.P' Valkenheiser / Bobo
Dennis / Eldona
Diane Lightson
Fausto Squiriniszu
Digital Underground Member
Renalda Squiriniszu
Miss Purdah
Mike the Doorman
Dealer #2
Dealer #1's Girlfriend
Dealer #2's Girlfriend
L'il Debbull
Porch Person
Porch Person
Porch Person
Porch Person
Town Biker
Town Biker
Party Goer
Party Goer
Party Goer
Train Master
Train Engineer
State Trooper
State Trooper
State Trooper
TV Anchor
TV Reporter
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
Digital Underground (Rap Group)
Party Girl
Party Girl
Party Girl
Party Girl
Written by stugood on 2019-03-21
Now, here's a film that doesn't quite know it's 1991 and attempts a bizarre ode to The <i>Texas Chainsaw Massacre </i> (1974), albeit with PG sensibility. Demi Moore is one of the film's main revelations and she masters its wackiness with a strangely befitting coolness. Ackroyd <i>is</i> the wackiness, but that's only if you can recognize him under the genius of the makeup-grotesquery. Ackroyd directs here as well as plays the hick judge of a-town-time-forgot and has a lot of fun playing with unsuspecting passers-through. The set pieces are inspired too and this truly is an odd yet fun ride, once it gets going. The only real contention is Chevy Chase who's a real stick in the mud - Tom Hanks was unfortunately busy.