original language
$ 23000000
$ 36642838
Lewis Thomas
Fuller Thomas
Officer Akins
Gas Station Mechanic
Gas Station Manager
Sheriff Ritter
Danny, Lewis' Roommate
Car Salesman
Officer Keeney
Salt Lake City Police Desk Clerk
Assistant Salt Lake City Police Desk Clerk
Ronald Ellinghouse
Night Manager
Ice Truck Man
Truck Stop Waitress
Truck Stop Manager
Hotwire Consultant
Man at Door
Traveling Salesman
Policeman #1
Policeman #2
Policeman #3
Local in Nebraska Bar
Cop (uncredited)
Rusty Nail (uncredited)
Rusty Nail (voice) (uncredited)
Porn Actress (uncredited)
Truckstop Patron (uncredited)
Deputy (uncredited)
Medic (uncredited)
Cop (uncredited)
Officer Alexander (uncredited)
Paramedic (uncredited)
Written by JPV852 on 2021-02-09
On a whim, decided to watch this one after a long while and still an okay thriller. Doesn't make sense how Rusty Nail is able to keep track of the three leads though but still found it entertaining enough. **3.25/5**
Written by RalphRahal on 2024-12-17
Joy Ride (2001) delivers an engaging start with a suspenseful and thrilling first act, but it loses its edge as the story progresses. Paul Walker shines as Lewis, grounding the film with a solid performance, while Steve Zahn’s portrayal of Fuller occasionally feels over the top. The suspense and tension are well-executed for much of the film, keeping viewers on edge, but the final act doesn’t live up to the buildup. The ending feels rushed and lacks the punch needed to leave a lasting impression. While entertaining, the movie falls short of its full potential with a script that could have used a stronger conclusion.